Frequently asked questions

Which payment method do you accept?

We accept Skrill, Perfect Money, Bitcoin and all major cryptocurrencies. We do not accept any other method like PayPal, CC or stripe. Please do not write to us for any other payment method.

How long it takes to get the list after purchase?

You can instantly download your database after your order was confirmed. If not, write to us, we will send the list within 24 hours.

I have not received the email list download , what is the reason and how to get it?

After your payment was confirmed you will see the download on the same page(scroll down and see right)

If you have closed the page by mistake, contact us we will send the product download link within 24 to 48 hours

Can you send me a sample to try?

Sorry. We do not give any samples to try. Thousands of people visit our website every day, If we send samples to them, most times they end up in spamming to those emails. Our list is only for those who purchases.

What is the format?

Most of our lists in Microsoft excel .csv format inside .zip folder. Zip folders can be unzipped with winrar. Its a free software, most computers have it by default, if not you can search google for winrar and download it.
few countries lists have .txt format. Changing the format is not possible since there are millions of records. Please do not ask to change to any other format after purchase. It is not possible.

When did you update your email lists?

Collecting millions of emails through surveys and online web forms take long time, hard work and several thousand dollars investment. Our data is verified almost every 6 to 12 months. We have developed a complex algorithm for this purpose. With this algorithm, we check the accuracy levels of our data against millions of sources and apply necessary updates.

Are your email lists opt-in?

Yes. Our lists are opt-in email lists collected from various sources like surveys, web forms, trade fairs and phone calls. Our market research partners work throughout the year to collect emails from various sources. Consumers and businesses in our lists opted for receiving promotional emails and offers from companies or individuals.

Do you guarantee delivery, open or conversion?

These things depend on the software you use to send emails, the reputation of your IP address, email marketing company, your email message spam score, the interest of the recipient and what kind of product or service you promote. We suggest you to clean the list again, check spam score of message, use a reputed software or email marketing company. We do not guarantee validity, delivery rate, open rate, or conversion.

Is your email lists verified/cleaned?

We clean the list once in 6 months or a year to ensure good quality. It is not possible to clean every month since the list quantity is huge in millions and billions. Also, it is common that people and companies change their emails frequently. We suggest our buyers to clean the email list using any list cleaning service or software before you start any email campaign. Cleaning the list may reduce bounce rate.

Why is your email lists cheap?

Most companies spend on expensive advertisements and media buying. We do not spend on very expensive advertisements and we can keep the cost very cheap. We do not adjust our pricing for each customer, and we have a transparent pricing policy. We aim to reach as many customers as possible, including startups and small businesses.

Is it legal to send cold emails?

Yes. It is legal to send genuine promotional or commercial emails. Our email list are US govt. Can-spam act compliance. Different countries have different law. You need to learn your country’s email marketing law.

Can you send me 10K email to try?

Don’t ask us such things…I want 10K emails, please send 100K emails….etc etc.

We do not change quantity or price. You can buy only what is listed on the website. We do not provide any custom email list. We do not send samples to try too.

What is your Refund policy?

Digitally downloaded products can be easily copied, manipulated, distributed and re-sold. Therefore We have a strict NO REFUND policy.

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